Friday, March 31, 2023

Ideas for Posts

 This post will not have an author in the tags because we're all working on ideas for posts.

❤ Hello! ❤

So, we don't really want to cater to the viewer and kind of just want to post what we like. However, we are looking to focus on the posts people want to see out of our ideas.
Here are some of those ideas:

The World of Kolrador - Lucy and Kara

This would be a description of our Dungeons and Dragons world and possibly have some stories from the current party. It's a vast world that's constantly growing, so we would have a lot to write about.

TL;DR The Classics - Lucy

I very much enjoy reading things in the public domain. It's why I read them on our youtube channel when I can (I'm a busy full-time student with a part-time job, so I can't post often, but you can find the channel here.)
However, I also can (and want) to give a sort of goofy TL;DR for various works like the Illiad that would be far too long to read on the YouTube channel. 
For Example:
Agamemnon stole a priest's daughter for a prize. When the priest came with ransom, Agamemnon threated him instead. The priest prayed to Apollo... who was pissed. Apollo ransacked the army for 9 whole days, starting with the livestock, but soon moving to the soldiers themselves.

I think this inspires enough interest in people to want to read the text themselves, even if they initially think it too daunting of a task.

Book Talks - Remi

Remi also likes to read, though he likes books that are a bit more fun. He wants to be able to read his books and try to convince others to read them too, in a sort of book talk fashion, setting the scene and the problem, but leaving the conclusion only for those who choose to read it.

Today I Learned - Remi

As stated before, Remi loves to learn new things. This would be a random assortment of topics Remi decided to research. He's already done one on Pyrite and Anne Bonney (female pirate) that he wants to post. 

The GoodBoi Herald - Zuri and Wally

Zuri and Wally have created a world called Zaranda, mostly like our world but with some major differences. In these posts, you would join the citizens in reading their daily news. 

TableTop Journaling RPGs - All

We have several solo role playing games that make for interesting stories. Some of these include "Into the Forest", "The Magus", and, for the kids, "Sweaters by Hedgehog".

And A Lot More

So do any of these sound interesting to you? We'd love to hear. Comment your favorite, or any other ideas you may have, below.

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